Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Real Halloween


The British Museum are doing a Day of the Dead festival! WHAT?! Mexico is coming to London?! AMAZING. We should all go.

1st November 11AM -5PM at The British Museum.


Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Nothing will save you now

Nick found this webiste (Texas Department Of Criminal Justice)

Pretty morbid, but it shows you all the men who have been executed in the state of Texas since the 80's. It also shows you exactly what their last statement was and what they were convicted for. Crazy what you can find these days pn the interent.

The day I turned 18, this guy was exectued.


"Yes sir, Warden Okay I've been hanging around this popsicle stand way too long. Before I leave, I want to tell you all. When I die, bury me deep, lay two speakers at my feet, put some headphones on my head and rock and roll me when I'm dead. I'll see you in Heaven someday. That's all Warden." - Douglas Roberts (executed on 20 April 2005)

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Best thing that has happened today


I bought Iron Age tickets. Fuck Yeah.


“No good friends, no bad friends; only people you want, need to be with. People who build their houses in your heart." - Stephen King

Friday, 25 September 2009

Paintings I did


I created these for my end of year show at Camberwell, but I thought i'd put them up again as i miss them. I left them hung in the hall as a kind of 'goodbye' I guess to my education. I kinda wish I did pick them up as I only have these crappy phone pics of them now. Bummer.
The first one is Sister Midnight, named after the Iggy Pop song on his Idiot album, fucking love that album. I like the idea of moulding animals and people. It seems right to me. The second is of Vinny P, a man after my own heart. Horror all the way. These were both done with acrylics, gotta love them acrylics! Actually, I don't think I like any other paint apart from poster.
This has reminded me of my next conquest...I want to produce a show with Reena and some others and I have a feeling with Halloween on the horizon it's going to be horror orientated...not that it would have been already.

I found this cool site


It's full of old photos people just send in dating from 1900's - 1980's ish. It's a little slice of old America. Reminds me of family I used to have or haven't seen in god knows how long. I use it alot and it makes me glad that people don't just throw away their memories.
Check it out

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

This is my first time...

...blogging and I want to do a good job and that of informing you all of everything I can think of. I'm pretty sure this is like some online diary, but don't get excited though as I won't be getting all deep and secret splurging on you either. For now here is my favourite song of the moment. Enjoy.